Eco-Vet Eco-Eczema 50ml


ECO-ECZEMA is an oral homeopathic medicine which helps in treatment of skin conditions accompanied by symptoms of pain, swelling and discharges

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Eco-Vet Eco-Eczema 50ml

Eco-Vet is a breakthrough in alternative, natural medicine for animals.

The range treats a variety of conditions and can be administered gently and easily.

ECO-ECZEMA is an oral homeopathic medicine which helps in treatment of skin conditions accompanied by symptoms of pain, swelling and discharges.

ECO-ECZEMA is specifically intended to help relieve:

  • Dermatitis or inflamed skin especially when scaly or wet and whether caused by allergies, fleas, insects or nervousness.
  • Allergic skin conditions where the skin is moist and inflamed
  • Mange (demodectic, otodectic and sarcoplic)
  • Moist eczema of the ear flap with ear shaking and discharges
  • Skin blemishes and blotches with seborrhoea (scaly patches and red skin) or wet blisters

ECO-ECZEMA also helps relieve itching and lick granuloma caused by chronic licking.


ECO-ALLERGY For sensitivity to environmental allergens

ECO-EARS For ear discharges

ECO-HEAL For first aid and for additional anti-inflammatory support

ECO-HAIR For poor coat condition


Preparation of medicine and directions for administration

ECO-LAX is prepared in 20% ethanol and should therefore be diluted before giving it to your animal.

While water is the best medium for administration, if your pet does not tolerate the water, you can substitute milk. As a last resort, you can give it on a little treat, but this may delay or impact the efficacy of the medicine.

When you are able to administer the medicine directly into your pet’s mouth, dilute the medicine in clean water and allow it to stand for a few minutes to allow the alcohol to evapourate. You can then administer the recommended dose of the diluted medicine directly into the mouth using a clean dry plastic spoon or syringe.

Alternatively you can add the recommended dose of the medicine to the animal’s drinking water, stir with a plastic spoon and leave to stand for a few minutes to allow any alcohol to evapourate before giving it to your pet. Be sure to make up fresh drinking water at least once a day or whenever the water is soiled or dirty.


20 drops = ± 1 ml


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