Uncanni Rooibos Full Spectrum CBD 500ml
The Original Rooibos and Chamomile Infused Oil has been helping animals for over 20 years. By boosting the immune system and introducing natural anti-inflammatory properties within the animal it reduces any reactions to allergies (skin rashes, hot-spots and itchiness) whilst allleviating joint issues and other debilitating ailments.
Now with the addition of a small amount of Full Sectrum CBD into the same, Original Rooibos Oil, it also relieves some pain, anxiety and stress.
Rooisbos CBD Oil comes in a 500ml bottle containing 100mg of CBD. THis means theat there are 100 teaspoons in a bottle and that each teaspoon of the oil also contains 1mg of CBD. The amount of OIl given (on food, or lapped off a spoon) is dependent on the size of the animal.
A small dog or cat might begin just with one teaspoon per day. A large dog might require 3 teaspoons. THis can be reduced or increased depending on the results evident on each individual. If more CBD is needed you can always give them a Dog Treat or a Cat Treat!
We really feel that this is an entry level product for people uncertain about CBD for their animals, who have heard about potentially great benefits, but are afraid to try – This is the product for them.
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